Log in to the BrewIQ Customer Dashboard
Create a KPI
Navigate to the Company Profile page in the left-hand menu (Note: only Admin level users have access to the Company Profile page)
Click on the green ADD KPI button
Enter the name of the KPI in the KPI Description field. Example: “Final Gravity Measurement”
Click in Select a Measure dropdown to select which parameter the KPI will measure. Options: Gravity, pH, or Fluid Temperature
Click on green ADD button to save the new KPI
Define the KPI for a Brand
Navigate to the Brands page in the left-hand column menu
Click on the name of the Brand to access the Brand Analytics page
Click on the green EDIT button
Scroll down to the Brand KPI Definitions section, located just below General Information to click green ADD KPI button
You will now be able to set the Brand definitions for all established KPIs on the Company Profile page. Note: you will need to add a new KPI to the Company Profile page to create a new KPI category
Establish KPI Definitions - fill in the designated fields to define a KPI for the brand. See picture below
KPI - Select which established KPI you’re defining
Hours from Pitch - Select how far into the fermentation you want the KPI to be measured. You can select Starting, Finishing, 30 hours, 60 hours, or custom.
If you select Custom, a new Custom Hours field will pop up. You can type in a number at 20 minute increments.
Target - the target value for your KPI.
Warning Range - the acceptable +/- offset from the Target.
Critical Range - the unacceptable +/- offset from the Target
The Critical Range defines the outer limits of the Warning Range and must be a higher value than the Warning Range.
Click the SAVE button to save your newly defined Brand KPI
Navigate to the Brands page in the left-hand column menu
Click on the Brand Name you wish to view, you will now be on the Brand Analytics page
Scroll down to the Brand KPIs section, just below Brand Details.
Note: If a fermentation has not been started after the KPIs have been defined, you will not be able to see the Brand KPIs section
You will now see all defined KPIs for this Brand.
KPIs will be shown for all fermentations monitored in the last 60 days automatically. If you want to change this, navigate to the My Profile page, scroll down to KPI Preferences, and select 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or 180 days. Then click on the green UPDATE PROFILE button at the top left of the page