How to Clean, Sanitize, Assemble, and Install the White River Tank Connector

How to Clean, Sanitize, Assemble, and Install the White River Tank Connector

The following are instructions for assembling and installing the White River Tank Connector ONLY (pictured below)  

For instructions on how to clean and install our Standard Tank Connector (the single piece with yellow handles and two pipes that enter the tank), please see the How to Clean and Sanitize the Tank Connector.

Materials provided by Precision Fermentation (per connector)

  1. (1) Cross
  2. (2) Hose Attachments
  3. (1) Pipe
  4. (3) Tri-clamps & Gaskets
  5. (1) Filter

Materials provided by you (per connector)

  1. (2) 1.5 inch Tri-clamp Butterfly Valves
  2. (1) 1.5 inch Tri-clamp End Cap OR Zwickel Valve
  3. (4) Tri-clamps and Gaskets

Cleaning and Sanitizing Materials Required

  1. (1) Bucket
  2. Peracetic Acid
  3. Cleaner compatible with Stainless Steel - for example Cell-r-Mastr, PBW, or Caustic

How to Clean and Sanitize the Tank Connector

  1. If necessary, rinse off all pieces using water to remove gross particles such as hops
  2. In your bucket, mix up a cleaning solution using your preferred cleaner, according to said cleaner's instructions (unlike the SensorHub itself, the White River Tank Connector pieces are composed of all stainless steel, and can hold up to any cleaning chemical meant for use with stainless steel)
  3. Submerge all pieces in your cleaning solution, and soak for the cleaner's recommended duration. (Optional: if you prefer, use pipe brushes to clean) Make sure the valves on the butterfly valves are open.
  4. Remove all pieces from the cleaning solution, and rinse thoroughly. Ensure that the inside of the tubes are rinsed.
  5. In your bucket, mix up a 200 ppm peracetic acid solution (if you're using a sanitizer other than PAA, dilute using the sanitizer's instructions)
  6. Submerge all pieces in your cleaning solution. Allow it to soak for the sanitizer's recommended duration, and until you're ready to install it onto your tank

How to Assemble

  1. Remove the pieces from the sanitizer solution
  2. Insert the pipe into the front of the cross, with the bend facing directly to the right (the front of the cross can be distinguished by the A-frame attachment at the bottom.  Please ensure the A-frame is facing towards you).  Secure with a Tri-clamp.
  3. Connect one butterfly valve to the end of the pipe, and one to the right arm of the cross (the two butterfly valves should be parallel), secure with tri-clamps
  4. Connect one hose attachment to each of the butterfly valves, secure with tri-clamps
  5. Connect the end cap or zwickle valve to the left arm of the cross, secure it with a tri-clamp

How to Attach the Tank Connector to Fermentation Tank

  1. Thread the included filter through a tri-clamp gasket, and place over the end of the pipe that will go into your tank
  2. Insert the Tank Connector into your intended tank with the A-frame facing directly downwards.  The gasket will hold the filter in place
  3. Secure with a tri-clamp
  4. Connect Fermentation Hub (formerly SensorHub) to Tank Connector, see How to Attach the Version 1.5 Fermentation Hub to the Tank Connector (substitute Step 8 with the following:)
    1. Connect Inlet hose on left side of Fermentation Hub to the hose attachment on the front of the connector
    2. Connect Outlet hose on the right side of Fermentation Hub to the hose attachment on the right side of the connector

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