How to Set Fermentation Alerts - Per Fermentation

How to Set Fermentation Alerts - Per Fermentation

Materials required

  1. Wi-Fi enabled computer, tablet, or smartphone
  2. BrewIQ Customer Dashboard access with Admin or Operator Permissions

Types of Alerts

Using the Alerts feature, a user can receive notifications if any readings from an active fermentation fall outside of a set range, or once a set of specific circumstances occur.  There are three different types of alerts - Static, Dynamic, and Event - as well as two ways to set each type of alert. 
  1. Static Alerts - alert if the readings for a specific parameter go outside a set range
  2. Dynamic Alerts -  alert if the readings for a specific parameter deviate too far from your Benchmark fermentation data. See How to Set a Benchmark
  3. Event Alerts - alert if a specific set of circumstances that you define occur

Methods of Setting Alerts

  1. Per fermentation - while starting a new fermentation after clicking the ADD NEW FERMENTATION button
  2. Per brand -  on the Brands page so that when you start a new fermentation under that Brand, all the ranges are pulled up how you've set them.  See How to Set Fermentation Alerts per Brand

Instructions for Static and Dynamic alerts using the PER FERMENTATION method

  1. Log in to BrewIQ Customer Dashboard
  2. Navigate to the Fermentations page in the left-hand column menu
  3. Click on the green ADD NEW FERMENTATION button at the top left of the page
  4. Scroll down to the Ranged Alerts section. All measured parameters will be listed horizontally above the graph.  The first displayed parameter will be Dissolved Oxygen.  To switch to a different parameter, click on the appropriate one
  5. Unless the alert ranges have been changed in the Brands page, all parameters will start with a preset Static Alert activated.  To change the range, click and drag the two inverted triangles on the slider, located just below the graph (screenshot below)
  6. Click APPLY button to the right of the slider to save the new range. (If you don't click APPLY or exit the Edit Brand page the new range will NOT be saved)
  7. If you have a Benchmark selected for the brand you're monitoring, you can change to Dynamic alerts by clicking on the green DYNAMIC button just below the slider to change the Alerts range
  8. You will now see the green Alerts range on the graph reflects and follows the displayed Benchmark curve
  9. There will now be only one inverted triangle on the slider below the graph.  Click and drag the triangle to change the Dynamic range.  The farther to the right it is moved, the wider the Alerts range above will be
  10. Click APPLY to save the range before moving to another parameter!
Please note: if you would like, you can disable alerts for any single parameter by clicking on the DISABLE button, located directly to the right of the STATIC and DYNAMIC buttons

Instructions for Event Alerts using the PER FERMENTATION

Please note: Event Alerts will notify you once a specific set of circumstances you've defined are met. 
For example: once the gravity readings drop below 3 P, or once the pH readings drop to 4 AND fluid temperature readings rise above 70 F.  You can have multiple Event Alerts set for a single fermentation, with multiple circumstances that need to be met before the email and/or text alert is sent for each Event Alert.

  1. Follow the instructions in the section above until you've set all of the Ranged alerts to your specifications
  2. Scroll down to the Event Alerts window, located directly below the STATIC, DYNAMIC, and DISABLE buttons
  3. Click on the green button featuring three horizontal white lines, located immediately to the left of the Event Alerts heading.  A green + button, along with a greyed-out APPLY button will appear directly below
  4. Click on the green + button that just appeared, and a grey window will pop up below the Event Alerts heading (screenshot below)
    1. In the green drop-down, select the parameter you want to set the alert for. In the text field, type in the specific reading at which the alert will be sent.  For example: 3, 4, 30, etc
    2. In the middle row, select how you want the system to interact with that reading.  The options are:
      1. Greater Than
      2. Greater Than or Equal To
      3. Equal To
      4. Less Than or Equal To
      5. Less Than
    3. In the text field, type in the specific reading at which the alert will be sent.  For example: 3, 4, 30, etc
  5. If you would like the Event Alert to be sent when multiple circumstances happen at once, click the + button.  You can add as many sets of circumstances as you would like, and you can remove them using the red - button that appears directly to the right
  6. Fill in the new fields using the instructions from steps i-iii above
  7. Once you have all Event Alerts finalized, click on the green APPLY button at the bottom of the window

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