How to Set Up Account and Profile

How to Set Up Account and Profile

Materials required:

  1. Wi-Fi enabled computer, tablet, or smartphone
  2. BrewIQ Customer Dashboard invitation (sent via email)
  3. Information about your company:
    1. Brands you want to monitor
    2. Company location(s)
    3. Fermentation tanks

Activating Account:

  1. Accept the BrewIQ Customer Dashboard invitation sent to your email. Follow the instructions to set up your password
    1. Console invitations have a 24 hour time limit before expiring.  If your invitation expired and you need a new invitation sent, please contact PFI Support.
    2. If you don't see the invitation in your inbox, please check the spam folder.  The invitations are sent from, and can occasionally be marked as spam.  If you still don't see the invitation, please contact PFI Support.

Here, we will enter the information required to start your first fermentation
  1. Log in to your newly set up BrewIQ Customer Dashboard account
  2. My Profile - your personal BrewIQ Customer Dashboard settings

    1. Navigate to the My Profile page in the left-hand column menu
    2. Contact Information - Fill in empty fields: first name, last name, email address, and mobile phone number (for text alerts)
    3. Unit of Measure Preferences - Update any default settings to your preferred method of measurement
      1. Time Zone
      2. Pressure - PSI or Bar
      3. Temperature - Fahrenheit or Celsius
      4. Volume - Gallons (barrels) or Liters
      5. Weight - Pounds or Kilograms
      6. Gravity - Specific Gravity or Plato
    4. Notification Center - Located towards the bottom of the page, just below Compensation Preferences.  This is how you can enable all alerts, including all fermentation alerts regarding readings during fermentation. 
      1. Daily Progress Emails - daily summaries of each of your active fermentations 
      2. Cleaning Completion - immediate alert when steps of the cleaning process have been completed
      3. Device Limit Exceeded - alert if your fermentation exceeds the 20 psi/1.38 bar pressure limit
      4. Fermentation Out of Range - enables Ranged Alerts for all active fermentations.  You can select Email, Text, or Both, as well as the frequency at which the notifications will be sent
      5. Fermentation Threshold - enables Event Alert notifications.  You can select Email, Text, or Both (see Event Alerts section in How to Set Fermentation Alerts - Per Fermentation)
      6. Power/Wi-Fi Disconnect - alert if your Fermentation Hub has been disconnected from either Power or Wi-Fi for at least an hour while the Fermentation Hub is actively monitoring a fermentation
      7. Speed2Clean Updates - alert if the Speed2Clean program shortens or extends the length of the Clean or Sanitize cycles during the cleaning process
  3. Brands - Details on the specific product you're going to be monitoring. *You must enter at least one Brand prior to beginning your first fermentation

    1. Navigate to the Brands page in the left-hand column menu
    2. Click on the ADD BRAND button 
    3. General Information
      1. Brand Name - the name of the product you're monitoring.
      2. Product - the type of product you're monitoring.  For example - beer, wine, cider, or rum
      3. Style - the style of the product.  For example - IPA, stout, doppelbock, or blonde
    4. Additional Parameters - these are optional, but we highly recommended for a complete analysis
      1. Culture - the yeast strain you're using. Search by in the yeast strain instead of scrolling
      2. Target Pitch Rate - the pitch rate (in millions of cells per milliliter)
      3. Starting Gravity - the starting gravity according to your recipe
      4. Finishing Gravity - the finishing gravity according to your recipe
    5. Click ADD BRAND button to complete
    6. Please note -
      1. If you need to edit your brand, you can always do so by navigating to the Brands page, and clicking the green EDIT button to the right of the Brand
      2. Repeat the steps above for each brand you intend to monitor
  4. Locations - Your Company Location(s).  *You must enter at least one Location prior to beginning your first fermentation

    1. Navigate to the Locations page in the left-hand column menu
    2. Click ADD LOCATION button
    3. Location Name - the name of your company or the name of the specific location, if you have multiple.  For example; Precision Fermentation Brewing vs. Precision Fermentation Brewing - Main St
    4. Address - the main address of this Location
    5. Phone - the phone number associated with this Location
    6. Click ADD LOCATION button to complete.
    7. Repeat the steps above if you have multiple locations.
  5. Tanks - Your actual fermentation tanks.  *You must enter at least one Tank prior to beginning your first fermentation!

    1. Navigate to the Tanks page in the left-hand column menu
    2. Click ADD TANK button 
    3. Tank Name - the name of your Tank.  For example; FV-1
    4. Choose location - the previously entered Location where this Tank is located
    5. Capacity - the capacity of your tank. If you selected Gallons then this will be measured in barrels, and if you selected Liters then this will be measured in liters. To change the unit of measurement, navigate to My Profile > Unit of Measure Preferences > Volume
    6. Device - enables you to connect your Fermentation Hub to this Tank right away.  If you don't want to connect your Fermentation Hub to this Tank now, you can leave this blank
    7. Click ADD TANK button to complete
    8. Repeat the steps above if you have multiple fermentation tanks
  6. Your Account and Profile are now set up!

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