How to Start Monitoring a Fermentation
Version 1.5 - Once Fermentation Hub is Attached to the Tank Connector
- Plug in Fermentation Hub (formerly SensorHub) to a power outlet, the LED light on the front of the Fermentation Hub should be green. If not, see LED Light/Button Reference Guide
- Open the valves on the Fermentation Hub and Tank Connector - there are four valves total
- Using a cup (or anything you have available to catch a small amount of fluid), open up the Zwickel valve/sample port on the bottom left of the Fermentation Hub and purge all of the sanitizer from the unit. You'll see wort coming into the Fermentation Hub through both hoses
- Once you see wort coming out of the Zwickel valve, close the valve and proceed to the Connecting your Fermentation Hub to the Tank in the BrewIQ Dashboard section, below
Version 2.0 - Once Fermentation Hub is Attached to the Tank Connector - OPTIONAL
The Version 2.0 Fermentation Hub only contains
~100 mL of fluid, so you can skip this step if you so choose, and proceed to the next section. Note that you will need a sample valve
attached to the Tank Connector Assembly to complete this step
Open the sample valve on
the Tank Connector, holding a bucket in front of it to catch any fluid
- Press the LED button on the
front of the Fermentation Hub twice to turn on the pumps. The Hub will be purged of sanitizer in
about 10 seconds
- Press the LED button on
the front of the Fermentation Hub twice to turn the pumps off
- Close the sample valve
Connecting your Fermentation Hub to the Tank in the BrewIQ Dashboard
- Using your Wi-Fi enabled computer, tablet, or smartphone, log in to the BrewIQ Console
- Navigate to the Tanks page in the left-hand column menu
- Identify the tank you've prepared to monitor and click the EDIT button
- Using the Devices drop-down, select the SensorHub you're going to be using to monitor this fermentation
- Press the UPDATE TANK button to complete
Start Fermentation
- Log in to the BrewIQ Console
- Navigate to the Fermentations page in the left-hand column menu
- Click on the green ADD NEW FERMENTATION button at the top left of the page
- Fill in the following fermentation details:
- The location you're monitoring
- The tank you're monitoring, with the Fermentation Hub already attached in the Console
- The brand you're monitoring
- The fermentation or batch name
- The time yeast pitched
- Note - you're required to enter a yeast pitch time to begin monitoring. If you haven't pitched yet, enter an estimate of when you'll pitch. If you need to edit the pitch time later on, you can do so by navigating to the Fermentations page and clicking the Edit button next to the fermentation
- Any alerts (See How to Set Ferementation Alerts - Per Fermentation or Per Brand)
- Additional parameters/Yeast information - Optional
- Culture/Yeast strain
- Target pitch rate
- Cell count
- Volume pitched
- Yeast generation
- Press the START MONITORING button - this will activate the pumps and start your fermentation. You will see the first data points populate on the fermentation page shortly
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